Belgian Bearded d'Uccle

The Breed came into being in the early 20th Century, and was created by a Belgian man by the name of Michael Van Gelder. Most sources maintain that it originated from crosses of the Antwerp Belgian and the Nederlandse Sabelpootkriel which is known today as the Booted Bantam, and raised as a closely related but separated breed.


Barbu d'Uccles have a low posture, a short but well developed neck and a rather open tail-feathering. D'Uccles have a single comb, different from its rose combed relative the d'Anvers. The weight of a cock is around 26 ounces and a hen weighs roughly 22 ounces. D'Uccles come in the following recognized colors: Mille Fleur, Porcelain, Black, White, Gold Neck, Mottled and Self Blue.


The Belgian Bearded D'Uccle is renowned for being a calm bird. Bearded d'Uccle eggs are notably small and are coated with creamy or tinted coloring. The breed is known for being very broody, and a typical hen can lay her eggs over a two-week period, though others have taken as long as three weeks (21 days).




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